Botox & Dysport

Botox & Dysport

Botox & Dysport

Botox & Dysport

Botulinum A is a protein produced naturally from bacterial action. Researchers discovered in 1949 that this chemical blocks neuromuscular transmission – signals from the nerve endings to the muscles telling them to contract. The formulation is laboratory standardized, and has been used for medical purposes such as “the lazy or wandering eye” and also for rapid blinking” since the 1980’s and more recently for muscle spasms, migraines, and excessive sweating. Doctors discovered that following application, patients experienced a decrease in fine to moderate wrinkles. Further studies related to cosmetic benefit were conducted. These products contain purified proteins which, when injected just beneath the skin with a very fine needle, selectively inhibit overactive muscles that contribute to unwanted facial lines.

Botox and Dysport are injectable providing a refreshing look to your face in two ways. First, by blocking impulses from nerve endings that cause you to draw up facial muscles, neuromodulators allow your face to look relaxed. Second, results last from 3 to 6 months, allowing your muscles to retrain naturally to a more composed, attractive appearance, further reducing wrinkles. Dr. Walton likes to say, “The line you don’t make is the line you don’t get.” Neuromodulators are also a wonderful compliment to other rejuvenation treatments, such as dermal fillers. Every injectable session at her practice is performed by a doctor.

Today Botox and Dysport are used to lessen:

  •  Vertical lines (“elevens”) between eyebrows. This is the original indication and the only FDA approved cosmetic indication for all three products – other applications are “off-label.”
  • Horizontal lines across the forehead
  • Crow’s feet – lines at the corners of the eyes.
  • Vertical lines (“elevens”) between eyebrows.
  • Vertical neck bands.
  • Botox is also approved by the FDA for excessive underarm sweating
The procedure
Treatment simply consists of a few tiny injections which are virtually painless with the use of topical anesthetic. You will be able to return to regular activities immediately following your appointment, making this a popular “lunchtime” procedure. These products all have stellar safety records when used correctly and the results are beautifully natural looking. In our practice, the goal is always a healthy, beautiful, and natural looking appearance. Our team of trained professionals (with the oversight of a board-certified dermatologist) has the expertise, experience, and excellent judgment to know how much of which product to use, and which muscles need to be relaxed.
To learn more about the benefits of neuromodulators, Call , Email or to schedule an appointment.